Motor Patrol, Police Dimodali Only 2 Liters Per Day

National Police chief Gen. (Pol) Bambang Hendarso Danuri said police currently working on a modest budget. The budget is very influential on the investigation in the handling of cases across Indonesia.

"Honestly, the budget is small investigation. We are able to complete 40 percent (of cases) has been great," said Chief of Police during a meeting with the leadership and ranks of newspaper editors in the Office Kompas Kompas Gramedia, Jakarta, Tuesday (24/11).

Chief of Police explained that 75 percent of the total budget received is used to pay salaries of about 465,000 personnel. Remaining budget to finance operational costs. Chief of Police gave examples of minimal cost for the patrol officers in the field. In 2009, police got a budget of around Rp 24 trillion.

Police Chief gave an example, for motorcycle patrol, the funds provided only afford two liters of fuel per day per bike. As for the patrol car, the funds only to five liters per day. "Fuel only to be met is very difficult," said Chief of Police.

According to him, it contributes to the lack of budget officers in the field. "Children who slept on the ground, investigators are pursuing (the suspect) in the field, there is no overtime pay. There is only one, a pride," he said.

However, with a minimal budget, the Chief of Police try to avoid irregularities. He will take stern action against staff who do the budget irregularities or corruption. One way to avoid the distortion that has been done is channeled directly to the Police budget received all the police station in Indonesia without passing the Police Headquarters.

"I have a follow strict starch-starch (officers) of all sorts. Dana I ordered the operation in the field should not be cut. The budget is also directly to the district police headquarters is not through," said Chief of Police.

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